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The Cover Letter

Kenneth Guaman

667 Bunny Street

New York City, 12345

(123) 456-7890


6th February 2023

Elisabeth Von Uhl

Professor, CCNY

160 Convent Ave, NY

New York, 10031

Dear Professor Uhl,

I am sure that you have received many letters by now from other students explaining their goals and their motivation to what they want to achieve in life. I, as of now, am an undergraduate and have no plans. I wanted to major in mechanical engineering and become an engineer simply for the money. I had no goals in life, even when I was a young boy. When I try to think of one, I can not recall what I wanted to be and the goal I had in mind. If I tried to set a career goal, for example, to become an animator or digital artist, I instantly doubted myself. Am I good enough? Measuring myself to others and thinking it is not a good role for me as I need to be more intelligent, organized, and active. I started to get unmotivated and dropped that path.

This class may change me or help me find my drive or even a goal. Learning about engineering is a challenge with the required courses that are needed, but that doesn’t stop me. Even if it required me to wake up at six in the morning and stay three hours for a class, I could overcome challenges like that and overcome something like this. It will take time to reflect on what I want, who I wish to be, and my career. Then I can proudly say my goal, who I am, and what career I want to follow. I just hope it won’t be late to decide.


Kenneth Guaman